Day 15: Last Day in Scotland

               This is my travel journal from my study abroad trip to the UK and France. The names of my teachers and classmates have been changed for privacy reasons.
DAY 15- June 3
               Last day in Scotland. Frowny face! But the good news is that it was also our last day in class. We presented our skits and we did so well that we don't have to take a final! (For Owen's class at least. My teammates told me we needed more time and I needed to improvise. So I ended up quoting "Behind Blue Eyes" for no apparent reason.) After class, there was pretty much NOTHING to do at all. Just packing. So I did my laundry and went out with Joan and Clara.

               I was going to go with Liz and Rebecca, but they were planning on leaving sooner than I wanted, so I thought I was going with Amy and Sarah. Sarah needed to borrow my detergent. Due to a misunderstanding, she ended up using some she found in the laundry room that she thought was mine.

               So Joan, Clara and I went into town and we mostly shopped all day. Stopped at the Salvation Army store and I was able to get a handful of jewelry and a neck pillow for under ₤8. I also picked up a couple of things at a souvenir shop. Also, I got a hat, some braces, and a tail. All I need is a bow tie and a fedora and my mission will be complete! (I don't know what my mission is. I just like hats.)

               And once again, there's nothing wrong with shopping, but why do that when there's all of Edinburgh to explore? Once again, I feel like the only girl in the world who doesn't have "shopping" on her top ten list of things to do in other countries.

               We ate at the Tron again. God, I love that place. I had one last drink before we left and discovered that there are drinks back home that taste like these. I must try them. (Mom, Dad, you knew this day would come.) I'm spoiled on sweet fruity alcohol.

               So we got back around seven or eight and I ended up packing. I also took one last walk around campus and the botanical garden, and made up stories about gnomes. Also, I went to go chase the rabbits. This school gets rabbits and pigeons the way mine gets squirrels and cats. I'm starting to get burned out on typing, which is not a good thing as I've still got two more weeks to go with this!

               I'm going to miss Edinburgh. There's still so much that I haven't done yet! And where will I find videos of the hot CBBC presenter guy with the little dog puppet? Well, London tomorrow! I can't wait to meet my pen pal. (Who, like the rest of my friends, chastised me about going off with strangers and told me not to do it again.)

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