
This is a blog for all of my random creative endeavors. I post art, writing, and videos when I have the time.

               I don't mind if you repost any of my drawings. All I ask is that you please link back to me and leave my watermark intact. The same goes for my writing. (I feel like I don't need to say that. So far, everyone's been very courteous about reposting!)


               Currently, I'm allowing anonymous comments with no moderation. I'd like to keep it that way, but because I post fanart, I'm going to set some ground rules right now to avoid a lot of hassle in the future.

  • You can criticize my stuff all you like. Seriously, I don't mind. But please keep in mind that criticism is not saying "X sucks!", it's saying "This is why X sucks!" You could even add "Here's how to stop sucking!" 
  • If you're just going to swear at me, I'm deleting your comment. 
  • I won't tolerate hating. I like for everyone to have a good time, so please refrain from hating on specific characters, pairings and fandoms. (You can dislike them, though. That's different.) 
  • I won't tolerate people harassing other commentors. If you have an issue with someone, take it somewhere else. 
  • Mushrooms are not allowed here. I don't care if you enjoy these strange, edible fungi, I will not stand for them on this blog. *serious face*

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About Me

My photo
So, this is my blog. It's my own little outlet for my random bursts of creativity. It's also a convenient way for my mother to stalk me. Sadly, it does not come in flavors...yet.
